
Telling your story

On this page:

Why share you story with us?

An important part of our vision as a charity is that the voices of people who are dying or grieving are heard.

We share personal stories because we know that reading them helps people understand the reality of what people are facing during their hardest moments.

Stories are also a way to connect with others, helping you to feel less alone and giving comfort and support.

Where will my story end up?

The most common way we publish a story is on the News section of our website.

We usually link to these stories from our end-of-life or grief support information.

We also often share personal stories on our social media channels.

Sometimes we include quotes from personal stories in local or national media.

We will always contact you to get permission before we publish or share your story. If we don't hear back from you, your story will not be shared.

Online Bereavement Community

Are you looking for a place to tell your story, but don't want it shared publicly? Try our Online Bereavement Community.

How can I share my story with Sue Ryder?

If you’d like to share your story:

  1. First, take a look at our storytelling tips below
  2. Then get in touch with the form at the bottom of this page

Storytelling tips

  • Be Honest and Open: Share your true feelings and experiences. People like when you’re being real.
  • Focus on specifics: Instead of covering your whole experience highlight specific challenges, feelings or events.
  • Use simple language: Write as if you are talking to a friend. Avoid jargon and complex words.
  • Show, don’t just tell: Describe your experiences in a way that allows readers to feel what you felt.
  • Keep it short: Aim for a short story. About 800 words will do.
Helen and Kerrie at a festival
Helen's story: Grieving for a friend

Read Helen's story for a great example of storytelling

Topics we are looking for

Sometimes we work on campaigns and information related to specific topics. Personal stories can help people understand their importance and relate to the people they affect.

If you can relate to any of the below topics, please let us know using the form below.

What you can expect from us.

We are sorry we aren’t able to respond to everyone we hear from. But please feel sure that every contribution is read and will impact how we support people through our online information in future.

Following the storytelling guidance above will make it more likely that we will be able to publish your story.

Remember, we wont publish anything you tell us here, without your permission.

Tell us your story