Become a Friend of Sue Ryder with a regular donation and be part of something very special.
Why partner with Sue Ryder?
Sue Ryder is here to make sure everyone approaching the end of their life or living with grief can access the support they need. Help us be there when it matters.
Working in partnership, we can:
support you to understand grief through the eyes of your colleagues and customers
increase employee engagement through volunteering and events
help you give back to your local community
provide opportunities to improve your environmental impact through Sue Ryder retail.
Together, we achieved an incredible amount in two years. By funding a clinical educator, hundreds of healthcare professionals have been trained in compassionate end-of-life care.
Caroline Raines, Director of Communications at BGL Group
You can help us do incredible things. Last year, with the support of our partners:
We gave more than 672,500 hours of end-of-life care
We cared for more than 9,400 people in our hospices and in their homes
We gave more than 6,300 hours of Online Bereavement Counselling
We had more than 220,000 visitors to our Online Bereavement Community