
Face to Face fundraising FAQs

Information about Sue Ryder's Face to Face fundraising, our latest fundraising locations so that you know where we'll be visiting and frequently asked questions.

Sue Ryder's current fundraising locations

Download our latest fundraising locations to check where our fundraisers are currently canvassing.

Why Face to Face fundraising?

At Sue Ryder, we participate in Door to Door and Venue (also known as Private Site) fundraising.

These methods of Face to Face fundraising are a very cost effective way to generate income and new supporters for Sue Ryder. They provide personal interactions which helps us to gain new long term regular supporters.

Last year we generated £2.5 million through our Friends of Sue Ryder and Lottery campaigns.

Get in touch

If you have any other questions about our Face to Face fundraisers, you can contact our Supporter Care team by emailing or by calling 0207 554 5985.

An older man holding up and looking at his phone
Telephone fundraising

Have a question about our telephone fundraising? We have support and information to help you, including frequently asked questions.

An illustration of four coins stacked on top of each other
Face to Face fundraising
Face to face fundraising is a cost effective way to generate income and connect with new supporters for Sue Ryder’s expert care.
A patient is sat up in bed, holding hands with a family member who is sat next to the bed. In the foreground is the profile of a nurse, who is talking to the couple.
Your donation can help make sure no one has to face death or grief alone.
Two Starlight Hike walkers in neon clothing, jewellery and face paint
Get involved
Help us be there when it matters. Find out how you can raise funds, shop online, take part in events or volunteer your time, plus much more.