
What needs to be done after someone dies?

Although this is likely to be a very emotional time, there are still some formal things that need to happen. Remember that you do not need to do everything yourself. This is often the time when friends and family can help you by doing some of the practical tasks.

You don’t need to do it all yourself

You may have been able to make plans beforehand for some of the things you need to do, and this can help to take some of the stress off you in the early days. But often, particularly if someone has had a late diagnosis, you may not have had a chance to think about these things.

If your friend or relative had a social worker, they should be able to give you practical help and support.

What happens immediately after someone dies?

Although this is likely to be a very emotional and overwhelming time for you, there are still some formal things that need to happen.

Registering the death

Legally, you need to register a death within five days, or eight days if you’re in Scotland.

Who do I need to tell?

As well as telling friends and family, you will need to formally notify a number of people and organisations.

How do I sort out their money and belongings?

Most people leave behind some possessions when they die, which might include money, property and their belongings.

Further information

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What to do when someone dies
Registering a death, arranging a funeral, accessing bereavement benefits - we have information about these and other practical issues when someone has died.
Who to inform when someone dies
Our guide on who you need to contact and formally notify when a friend or relative has died, including which organisations you have to contact.
Registering a death
Registering your loved one’s death is one of the first things you need to do after they’ve died. Find out how to register a death and what documents you’ll need.