
Community Day Services at Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice

On this page, you’ll find all the information you need to know about our new Community Day Services - from what we offer to how to refer your patients.

Our Community Day Services

At Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice, our aim is to improve the quality of life for our patients and those close to them. We do this through a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach in our services, where we support patients through their palliative diagnosis and encourage them to find ways to self-manage their condition.

Who can access these services?

Any patient over the age of 18 who has been diagnosed with a progressive life-limiting illness can be referred to our services.

What types of services do we offer?

We offer three different types of Community Day Services here at Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice. You may find that one sounds better suited to your patient and their needs than another, but please do get in touch with us if you'd like to discuss your referral options.

Living Well

Living Well is a 6-week programme focused on helping patients living with life-limiting illnesses. It can be accessed face-to-face, or virtually over Zoom, and each session will feature activities or discussions around movement, relaxation and support in a relaxed and friendly environment. 

Led by nursing staff, complementary therapists, rehabilitation staff and guest speakers, patients referred to this programme can expect to find out more about:

  • the benefits of exercise
  • seated tai chi and yoga
  • mindfulness
  • fatigue management
  • anxiety management
  • complementary therapies, with a focus on sleep
  • peer support.

Patients are also invited to bring one relative, carer or friend to accompany them each week.

Breathe Better

The Breathe Better programme is specifically for patients with end-stage respiratory disease who are no longer well enough to participate in the Pulmonary Rehab programme, but could still benefit from self-management guidance and support. 

Led by physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nursing staff and guest speakers, the weekly sessions last two hours. They can be accessed face-to-face, or virtually over Zoom, and patients can expect to learn more about exercise, relaxation and topics related to their illness. They are also invited to bring along one relative, carer or friend to accompany them each week.

Staying Steady

The Staying Steady programme is aimed at patients who have a history of falls, fear of falls, or their illness has increased their risk of falling. 

This 6-week programme is led by physiotherapists, nursing staff and specially trained volunteers. Patients attending the programme can expect to learn about: 

  • their risk of falling
  • how to reduce risk
  • contributing factors
  • environment
  • how to get up following a fall
  • falls planning 
  • peer support. 

In weekly 90 minute sessions, patients will take part in a graded exercise programme designed to increase strength, flexibility and balance. 

Patients are also invited to bring one relative, carer or friend to accompany them each week. 

Self-care and stress management

This programme is designed to provide everyone with tools and techniques to help with stress management and self-care during difficult and challenging times.

Creative Therapy

The Creative Therapy programme takes place over 6 weeks in a closed group. It is based on the premise that participating in creative activities can have a positive impact on boosting confidence and feelings of efficacy, as well as enhancing and improving quality of life. 

In addition to this, there is also research that supports the idea that tapping into our creativity increases empathy for ourselves and others, and can provide a useful starting point for open and frank conversations about emotional issues and difficult topics. 

Previous participants have reflected that they enjoyed the group and appreciated the opportunity it gave them to share their experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Virtual Community Day Service

We are continuing to run our virtual service so that we can carry on supporting people who are unable to attend our day services in person. 

At virtual 'drop in' sessions, patients can choose to take part in:

  • a seated exercise session led by a specialist physiotherapist
  • a relaxation and mindfulness session led by a specialist practitioner.

Relatives are also encouraged to join the relaxation sessions. 

Referring your patients

Research has shown that early intervention from palliative care improves quality of life and achieves better outcomes, so we are really keen to work with you to support your patients following their diagnosis. 

If you’d like to refer your patient to our service, you can do so using System 1 or you can contact us on 01535 642308 for more information.