
Support for executors and solicitors

Support for executors

We are extremely grateful for the kind gift that your loved one has left for Sue Ryder’s work. This really is a legacy of kindness and care that will help people long into the future. It will make sure we can be there when it matters most.

What difference will their gift make?

  • Gifts in Wills fund over 400,000 hours of care given by Sue Ryder.
  • One in six of the people cared for by our palliative services are funded by gifts in Wills.
How are you feeling?

We understand that this may be a difficult time for you as you come to terms with the death of a loved one. Our grief support resources are available to anyone who has been bereaved. You might find it helpful to explore our information and advice, our online community or our online bereavement counselling service.

Contact the Legacy Administration Team

The task of administering someone’s estate can feel daunting at such a difficult time, but we can help.

As soon as you are able to we would be very grateful if you could get in touch with our Legacy Administration Team and they will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Sue Ryder
First floor, Kings House
King Street
CO10 2ED


Information we request

We are regularly audited to make sure we administer all gifts in accordance with the guidelines and regulations set down by the Charity Commission. This is why we need to ask you for the following information:

  • The full name and title of the person who has died, along with any other names they were known by.
  • Their last address and any previous addresses – this will also allow us to update all of our systems and potentially prevent any future communications about our work being sent to their address as we know this can be distressing at a difficult time.
  • Their date of death.
  • Your details as executor along with any other executors listed, including your names and contact details.
  • A copy of the Will.
  • We would also like to learn more about our kind supporter’s life and their reason for supporting Sue Ryder’s work in this wonderful way.
  • When we have been kindly left a share of an estate we will also request a copy of the estate accounts.

The administration of an estate may take some time to complete. If possible, we would be grateful for regular payments once probate has been granted. We can then ensure this very kind gift helps people in our care.

Our charity details

Registered charity numbers:

  • 1052076 (England and Wales)
  • SCO39578 (Scotland)


Sue Ryder
First floor, Kings House
King Street
CO10 2ED

Paying in a legacy cheque

Please make cheques payable to ‘Sue Ryder’ and mark for the attention of the legacy administration team at the address above.

We would be really grateful if you can include:

  • the full name and title of the deceased
  • their last address – this will also allow us to prevent any future mailings as we know this can be distressing at a difficult time
  • the date of death
  • the executor’s name and contact details
  • a copy of the Will
  • any information about the reason for the legacy.

We are regularly audited to make sure we administer all gifts in accordance with the guidelines set down by the Charity Commission. This is why we sometimes need to ask you to provide details about the estate such as a copy of the Will and estate accounts.

Paying in a legacy by bank transfer

If you wish to pay by bank transfer please use the following details:

Name of Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
Cornhill North Ipswich

Sort Code: 30-94-55
Account Number: 01518934

Name of Charity: Sue Ryder

Please kindly include the surname of the deceased as a reference and email us at so that we can make sure this kind legacy is administered and acknowledged appropriately.

Tax exemption

All registered charities benefit from a range of inheritance tax exemptions. This means that the value of a legacy gift to the charity may increase without any costs to any other beneficiary.

For further information, contact our team or you can find out more on the website.

A man is sat on a sofa looking at a mobile phone
Contact the gift in Wills team
We know that how to write your Will is a big decision and it can help to talk it through with someone. Our legacies team would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Guide cover, with the title 'Let your kindness and care live on'
Order your free gifts in Wills guide
Download or order a copy of our free guide to leaving a gift in your Will to Sue Ryder.
A blue question mark on a white background with coloured shapes surrounding it
Questions about gifts in Wills
We've answered some of the most commonly asked questions about what it means to remember Sue Ryder in your Will.